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Admission for Foreign Students

It takes 2-3 years for students to complete the Master Program, and 3-4 years to complete the PhD. Program. A graduation certificate and a degree will be conferred to the students upon their successful completion of the curriculum and the defense of degree dissertation, and upon their meeting of all the other requirements stipulated by the UCAS Degree Conferring Regulations.

Students who are unable to successfully complete their curriculum, or are disqualified from presenting degree dissertation, or fail their defense of degree dissertation will be permitted to continue their study as visiting students or will be asked to quit their study, depending on the individual situation.

The program for all visiting students is no more than 2 years. A certificate will be issued upon a student’s meeting of his/her program requirements.

The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences P.O.Box 603,Beijing 100190,China
Tel:86-10-82649361 Fax:86-10-82649531
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