Education and Career History:
B.S., Huazhong Unjiversity of Science and Technology, 1998
M.S., Jilin University,1992
Ph.D., University of Wuerzburg, 1998
Postdoc., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998-2001
Professor, Institute of Physics, CAS, 2001-present
Research Interests:
Single-molecule biophysics
The past two decades have witnessed huge advances of single-molecule techniques. Currently, the bottleneck of this field is to detect motions of molecular motors with sub-nanometer precision. We aim to develop cutting-edge techniques to solve the challenges, ranging from DNA transcations to membrane-related signal transductions. The ultimate goal in the near future is to sense actions of an enzyme driven by hydrolysis of one single ATP, to detect enzyme-induced structural changes of DNA with one base resolution, and to image trans-membrane dynamics of individual proteins at plasma membranes.
Selected Recent Publications:
- Meijing Li, Xian Xia, Yuanyuan Tian, Qi Jia, Xiaoyu Liu, Ying Lu, Ming Li, Xueming Li & Zhucheng Chen, Mechanism of DNA translocation underlying chromatin remodelling by Snf2, Nature, 2019, 567,409.
- Dong-Fei Ma, Chun-Hua Xu, Wen-Qing Hou, Chun-Yu Zhao, Jian-Bing Ma, Xing-Yuan Huang, Qi Jia, Lu Ma, Jiajie Diao, Cong Liu, Ming Li, and Ying Lu, Detecting single molecule dynamics on lipid membranes with quenchers-in-a-liposome FRET, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 5577.
- Li Ma, Shuxin Hu, Xiaolong He, Na Yang, Licui Chen, Chenguang Yang, Fangfu Ye, Taotao Wei, and Ming Li, Detection of tBid Oligomerization and Membrane Permeabilization by Graphene-Based Single-Molecule Surface-Induced Fluorescence Attenuation, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 6937.
- Ping Chen, Liping Dong, Mingli Hu, Yi-Zhou Wang, Xue Xiao, Zhongliang Zhao, Jie Yan, Peng-Ye Wang, Danny Reinberg, Ming Li, Wei Li and Guohong Li, Functions of FACT in Breaking the Nucleosome and Maintaining Its Integrity at the Single-Nucleosome Level, Molecular Cell, 2018, 71, 284.
- Wenxia Lin, Jianbing Ma, Daguan Nong, Chunhua Xu, Bo Zhang, Jinghua Li, Qi Jia, Shuoxing Dou, Fangfu Ye, Xuguang Xi, Ying Lu, and Ming Li, Helicase Stepping Investigated with One-Nucleotide Resolution Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer, Physical Review Letters, 2017, 119, 138102.
- Wei Li,Ping Chen,Juan Yu,Liping Dong,Dan Liang,Jianxun Feng,Jie Yan,Peng-Ye Wang,Qing Li,Zhiguo Zhang,Ming Li,Guohong Li,FACT Remodels the Tetranucleosomal Unit of Chromatin Fibers for Gene Transcription,Molecular Cell,2016,64(1):120~133
- Renwei Liu,Suna Fan,Dongdong Xiao,Jin Zhang,Mengzhou Liao,Shansheng Yu,Fanling Meng,Baoli Liu,Lin Gu,Sheng Meng,Guangyu Zhang,Weitao Zheng,Shuxin Hu, Ming Li, Free-Standing Single-Molecule Thick Crystals Consisting of Linear Long-Chain Polymers,Nano lett.,2017,17(3):1655~1659
- Li, Ying,Qian, Zhenyu,Ma, Li,Hu, Shuxin,Nong, Daguan,Xu, Chunhua,Ye, Fangfu,Lu, Ying,Wei, Guanghong,Li, Ming, Single-molecule visualization of dynamic transitions of pore-forming peptides among multiple transmembrane positions,Nature Communications,2016,7:12906
- Li, Wei ,Wang, Peng-Ye,Yan, Jie,Li, Ming, Impact of DNA Twist Accumulation on Progressive Helical Wrapping of Torsionally Constrained DNA,Physical Review Letters,2012,109(21):218102
- Wei li,Pengye Wang,jie yan,Ming Li, Direct Measurement of Sequential Folding Pathway and Energy Landscape of Human Telomeric G-quadruplex Structures,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2013,135(2):6423~6426
- Sun B, Wei K.J., Zhang B., Zhang X.H., Dou S.X., Li M. and Xi X.G., (2008) Impediment of E. coli UvrD by DNA-destabilizing force reveals a strained-inchworm mechanism of DNA unwinding, EMBO J., 27, 3279-3287.
- Yuan, B., Xing, L.L., Zhang, Y.D., Lu, Y., Mai, Z.H., and Li, M. (2007). Self-assembly of highly oriented lamellar nanoparticle-phospholipid nanocomposites on solid surfaces. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 11332-3.
- Fu, W.B., Wang, X.L., Zhang, X.H., Ran, S.Y., Yan, J., and Li, M. (2006). Compaction dynamics of single DNA molecules under tension. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 15040-1.
- Xing, L.L., Li, D.P., Hu, S.X., Jing, H.Y., and Li, M. Electrochemical growth of highly oriented organic-inorganic superlattices using solid-supported multilamellar membranes as templates. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 1749.