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IOP Holds 2021 Public Science Day

Date:24-05-2021 Print

The 18th Public Science Day of the Institute of Physics (IOP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was held in Beijing on May 22. This carnival of physics and science attracted millions of people to participate online and offline.

Jointly organized by IOP and bilibili, and co-sponsored by the National Science Library of CAS, this Public Science Day is themed “the wonderful adventure of IOP”, aiming to break the dimensional wall between physics and science, and present interesting scientific adventure stories. It includes 13 themed activities, including academician’s report, science tour along Yanqi Lake, outdoor large-scale experiment show, uploaders’ small classroom, science interactive reality show, bilibili themed science exhibition, laboratory tour, science experiments, and CAS achievement exhibition. Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, strict pandemic prevention measures were taken for the offline activities and participants were encouraged to view the activities through online live broadcast. The Zhongguancun Campus and the Huairou Campus of IOP, the National Science Library of CAS, and bilibili joined hands to provide the best immersive scientific experience for the public with 12 hours of wonderful content.

As the opening activity of Public Science Day, the academician’s report set a solid tone for the whole event. In the report “Strengthening Basic Research to Boost an Electric China”, Chen Liquan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and IOP professor, analyzed the current energy situation in China, and introduced “what is electric China” and “what is Energy Internet”. He talked about basic research and industrial development of the lithium (sodium) battery, and its important role in promoting China’s leading position in electric vehicles in the world, explaining the importance of basic research in promoting electric China, building the Energy Internet, and achieving peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutralization.

Then brilliant scientific experiments were performed on the spot. Under the introduction of uploader Doudouzi ex, the outdoor large-scale experiment show started. First, Yang Fan, a science popularization expert, staged the “Crazy Chemistry”, presenting shocking scientific experiments such as dry ice bubble, elephant toothpaste, silver mirror reaction, Iodine clock reaction, hydroxylamine smoke bomb, etc. Then, in the show “Life with Physics”, Chen Zheng, Associate Professor of School of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University, brought the audience some amazing physics experiments, such as balloon jellyfish, tone changing clock, Leyden jar + Wimshurst machine, Tesla coil, etc.. In addition, dozens of interactive scientific experiments were prepared for the public, including experiencing the atomic world through VR, optical stealth device, Morie fringe, magic-angle graphene, Stirling engine, electromagnetic accelerator, suspended light bulb, colored carbon nanotube electronic ink, etc.; The visitors can interact with the virtual anchor of Weather China; At the same time, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and University of Science and Technology Beijing were also invited. The audience on the spot greatly enjoyed the scientific experiments. The audience online said that they have learned a lot of useful knowledge.

On this Public Science Day, a number of top uploaders from bilibili and IOP launched a wall-breaking operation. The handmade Sanxingdui gold mask, the model of C919 passenger plane, the model of nuclear power plant, and the model of artificial sun were exhibited. IOP laboratories produced exhibits such as cyber TV, invisible colors, micro-nano astronauts, and art bacteria. In the Interactive Exhibition Center, superconducting magnetic levitation, palm fountain, invisible glass, dancing water drops, and suspended light bulb were presented.

The exhibition area is a collection of scientific and technological achievements. With the theme of “Science and technology serving the country for 70 years, innovation supporting the dream of strengthening the country”, the CAS achievement exhibition, located in the National Science Library of CAS, shows through live broadcast the major innovative achievements, and reform and development achievements since the founding of CAS, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the exhibition area of “Where Are the Magical Materials”, the audience saw a superconducting arc that can leap at the fingertips, sodium lithium ions that shuttle in the palms and magical materials beyond our imagination. In the science book exhibition area, good books and interesting souls met, and the sparks of thinking came out.

The online laboratory tour allows the public to further experience the shock of being in a scientific research environment. Li Zhilin, Associate Professor of IOP, and uploader Guigu Zanglong took the audience into IOP laboratories to feel the charm of scientific research. They visited labs of high temperature and high-pressure physics, super-fast laser, high-temperature superconductor exploration and related mechanism research, micro fabrication laboratory, STM and AFM experimental equipment, quantum computing, and cloud platform. With popular explanation of principles, scientific research has become easy and straightaway during this visit. The online audience actively participated in interactive questions and felt the value of scientific research from zero distance.

While the activities in the Zhongguancun Campus are in full swing, Huairou Campus is also crowded with visitors. This year’s Public Science Day first unveiled the “Adventure Island” in Huairou Campus, and the “One Facility, two Centers” of IOP Huairou Campus was opened to the public for the first time, including Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility, Center for Materials Genome Initiative (CMGI) and Center for clean energy. In the treasure hunt activity, the audience explored the small surprises hidden in the laboratory according to the “treasure map”; in the physics question consultation area, the questions that “teachers don’t teach, parents don’t understand” were answered. In addition, amorphous materials, superconducting magnetic levitation, laser cannons, quantum control, ultrafast electron microscopy, single-crystal films, and so on were all presented to the public, and they even had the opportunity to assemble the lithium-ion batteries on their own. The “Adventure Island” in Huairou Campus, which is composed of amazing physical experiments, magical materials, and high-end scientific research equipment, brought constant surprises to the audience. The biggest difference between this year’s Public Science Day of CAS and the previous ones is that it was held at the Huairou National Science and Innovation Center for the first time. As one of the main platforms of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center, Huairou Science City is an important carrier to cultivate national strategic science and technology strength. Therefore, the IOP Huairou Campus actively promotes the science popularization work among Huairou teenagers, disseminates the connotation of Huairou Science City and the significance of the large scientific facilities and scientific research platforms, aiming to improve the scientific literacy of the public.

The event was broadcast throughout the IOP account on bilibili, and the People’s Daily App, Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua Network App, Guangming Network, CCTV News, CCTV Video, China Youth Daily App, Science Network, and other media platforms simultaneously. The all-around, multi-perspective, and uninterrupted live broadcast made the audience feel the charm of science, and the total number of netizens attracted to watch online set a new high compared to the previous Public Science Day live broadcast.

The Public Science Day sponsored by IOP enables viewers to get close to science and physics, learn about the knowledge of physics, feel scientific research at zero distance, and understand that science is not unreachable but reflected in all aspects of our daily life. This year, IOP and bilibili cooperated again, hoping to introduce science in such a way that the public, especially teenagers, are more and more fond of it, so as to attract people to participate in the activities more actively, and truly make scientific knowledge popular.

Large-scale outdoor experimental show "Crazy Chemistry"

First offline exhibition of the Sanxingdui gold mask handmade by bilibili uploaders

The science interactive experiment exhibition area is full of people

The exhibition area of the party members and academicians wall of IOP

"One Facility, Two Centers" of IOP Huairou Campus is opened to the public for the first time