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The 324th forum: Near-optimal entangled-photon sources in the solid state?

Date: 2018-01-29
Time: 14:30
Venue: 中科院物理研究所M楼253报告厅
Speaker: 丁飞 教授

Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

丁飞,德国汉诺威大学(TU-9联盟成员)数学及物理学院终身正教授、纳米物理讲席,研究方向为半导体材料及量子光电子器件。目前担任欧盟地平线2020、欧洲研究理事会、德国洪堡基金、英国皇家学会牛顿学者、波兰国家科学基金等项目评审专家。获得奖项包括:欧盟玛丽·居里学者、IBM公司专利成就奖、IFW Excellence Program,以及知名的欧盟ERC基金(约1500万人民币)。2003年合肥工业大学本科, 2004-2009年首批中科院-德国马普学会联合培养博士生(导师陈涌海/王占国/Oliver G. Schmidt)。2010-2012年IBM公司博士后,2012年起先后担任IFW Dresden研究组长/分所副所长,2016年(34岁)获得汉诺威大学终身教职并成为德国自然科学领域最年轻的W3教授之一。

How far are we away from an optimal entangled photon Source? For quantum information applications, SPDC-based entangled photon sources played a crucial role in the past decade. However, these sources have several intrinsic problems, such as the low brightness and the lack of electric injection for practical applications. It is anticipated that semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) could address these problems, if several fundamental challenges can be addressed. Despite the great efforts in the community, an “optimal” entangled photon source has eluded us for a long time. In this talk I will discuss the recent progress on improving the QD based entangled photon sources.

邀 请 人:张建军(电话:8264 9869)
联 系 人:李园园(电话:8264 9364)