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Zhongxian Zhao
Career History:
B.S., Univ. of Science and Technology of China (Beijing), 1964
Professor, Physics, Institute of Physics,CAS, 1964—present
Visiting Scholar, Univ. of Cambridge and other Labs.UK, Feb.1974—Sept.1975
Visiting Scientist, Ames Lab. Iowa State Univ., Nov.1984 —Dec.1985
Visiting Scientist, University of Houston, USA, Jan. — Mar. 1986
Deputy Head, Superconducting Materials Dept. (IOP,CAS) 1979—1984
Director, State Key Lab. For Superconductivity(Natl. Lab. For Superconductivity), 1991—2000
Vice president, Chinese Physical Society, 1994—2003
Member, Presidium of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1998—2008
Director, Working Committee on Consultative and Evaluation of CAS,,2001—2008
The 8th(1993—19988), 10th(2003—2008) and 11th (2008—2013)member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

Academician,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),1991—
Member, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), 1987—
Special member of the China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) 1988—
Member, Internatl.Acad. Of Ceramics, 1989—
Member, Council of Association of Asia Pacific Physics Society, 1990—1997
Tan Kah-Kee International Society, 2005—
Honorary Fellow of India Materials Research Society; 1991—
Honorary Fellow of the China Materials Research Society, 1995—
Member, Council for Tan Kah Kee Foundation, 2003—
Director of Professional Committee of Low Temperature Physics
Vice president of WFSW (world federation of scientific worker 2009-

Research Interests:
Have been engaged in low-temperature physics and superconductivity research especially in searching for high temperature superconductors since 1976. More than 170 papers have been published. His group discovered independently the liquid nitrogen temperature superconductor and firstly announced its chemical composition of Ba-Y-Cu-O to the world in February 1987. This study has promoted the superconductivity research in many countries. He and his foreign collaborators have been studying intrinsic inhomogeneity and phase separation in cuprates since 1994 and found magic doping phenomena as well as intrinsic electronic phases which are closely related to the mechanism. In 2008, his research team,via applying high-pressure synthesis method, upgraded the superconducting critical temperature above 50K for the first time by substituting Pr for La and created the highest Tc record of 55K. A series of fluorine-free hypoxia superconductors have been synthesized by high-pressure synthesis method for the first time. A series of fluorine-free iron-based superconductors with substituting heavy-rare-earth elements for La have been synthesized by high-pressure synthesis and quenching methods for the first time. Current research interests include discovering new superconductors and investigating the mechanism of novel materials especially the high-temperature superconductors.

Institute of Physics P.O.Box 603 Beijing, 100190, China

Selected Recent Publications:
1.Zhi-An Ren, Jie Yang, Wei Lu, Wei Yi, Guang-Can Che, Xiao-Li Dong, Li-Ling Sun, Zhong-Xian Zhao;Superconductivity at 52 K in iron-based F-doped layered Pr[O1-x Fx] FeAs quaternary compound; Materials Research Innovations 12, 105, (2008)
2.Ren Zhi-An , Lu Wei, Yang Jie, Yi Wei, Shen Xiao-Li, Li Zheng-Cai, Che Guang-Can, Dong Xiao-L, Sun Li-Ling, Zhou Fang, Zhao Zhong-Xian;Superconductivity at 55K in Iron-Based F-Doped Layered Quaternary Compound Sm [O1-xFx] FeAs; Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol. 25, No. 6 (2008) 2215
3.Zhi-An Ren, Guang-Can Che, Xiao-Li Dong, Jie Yang, Wei Lu, Wei Yi, Xiao-Li Shen, Zheng-Cai Li, Li-Ling Sun, Fang Zhou, Zhong-Xian Zhao, Superconductivity and Phase Diagram in the Iron-based Arsenic-oxides (Re = rare earth metal) without F-Doping; Europhysics Letters, 83 (2008) 17002.
4.Zhi-An Ren, Jie Yang, Wei Lu, Wei Yi, Xiao-Li Shen, Zheng-Cai Li, Guang-Can Che, Xiao-Li Dong, Li-Ling Sun, Fang Zhou, Zhong-Xian Zhao , Superconductivity in iron-based F-doped layered quaternary compound Nd[O1-xFx]FeAs ; Europhysics Letters, 82, 57002, 2008 .
5.Jie Yang, Zheng-Cai Li, Wei Lu, Wei Yi, Xiao-Li Shen Zhi-An Ren, Guang-Can Che, Xiao-Li Dong, Li-Ling Sun, Fang Zhou, Zhong-Xian Zhao, Superconductivity at 53.5 K in GdFeAsO1-d ,Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (2008)082001
6.Xiaoli Dong, Peiherng Hor, Fang Zhou, Zhongxian Zhao, Robust intrinsic superconducting phases in underdoped LSCO single crystals,Solid State Communications 145 (2008)173
7.XY Bao, YF Zhang, YP Wang, JF Jia, QK Xue, XC Xie, ZX Zhao, Quantum Size Effects on the Perpendicular Upper Critical Field in Ultra thin Lead Films. Physical Review Letters 95, 247005(2005)
8.Zhou XJ, Shi J, Yoshida T, Cuk T, Yang WL, Brouet V, Nakamura J, Mannella N, Komiya S, Ando Y, Zhou F, Ti WX, Xiong JW, Zhao ZX, Sasagawa T, Kakeshita T, Eisaki H, Uchida S, Fujimori A, Zhang ZY, Plummer EW, Laughlin RB, Hussain Z, Shen ZX, Multiple Bosonic Mode Coupling in the Electron Self-Energy of (La2-xSrx)CuO4,Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (2005) 117001
9.Y Guo, YF Zhang, XY Bao, TZ Han, Z Tang, LX Zhang, WG Zhu, EG Wang, Q Niu, ZQ Qiu, JF Jia, ZX Zhao, QK Xue, Superconductivity Modulated by Quantum Size Effects. Science 306, (2004) 1915.
10.Fang Zhou, Wen Xin Ti, Ji Wu Xiong, Zhong Xian Zhao, Xiao Li Dong, P.H.Hor, Z,H.Zhang and W.K.Chu, Under-doped La2-xSrxCuO4 with x=0.063-0.125: TSFZ growth of high-quality crystals and anomalous doping dependences of superconducting properties. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16, (2003) L7.
11.X.J. Zhou, T.Yoshida, A.Lanzara, P.V.Bogdanov, S.A.Kellar, K.M.Shen, W.L. Yang, F. Ronning, T. Sasagawa, T. Kakeshita, T. Noda, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, C.T. Lin, F. Zhou, J.W. Xiong, W.X. Ti, Z. X. Zhao, A.Fujimori, Z. Hussain, Z.X. Shen, High-temperature superconductors: Universal nodal Fermi velocity. Nature 423 (2003) 398.
12.Kim YH, Hor PH, Dong Xiao Li, Zhou Fang, Zhao Zhong Xian, Song YS, Ti Wen.Xin, The composite of the charge carriers in La2-xSrxCuO4 (0.063≤x≤0.11)superconductors. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, (2003) 8485.
13.Li JQ, Li L, Liu FM, Dong C, Xiang JY and Zhao ZX, Superconductivity, superstructure, and structure anomalies in Mg1-xAlxB2, Phys. Rev. B 65, No. 13 (2002)132505.
14.Yang Li, Zhong-Xian Zhao , Stress-field Pinning induced by the lattice mismatch in 123 phase, Physica C, 351 (2001) 1-4
15.Z.X. Zhao, K.Q. Li, G.C. Che, T. Honma and P.H. Hor, Superconductivity in Ca-doped Pr-123 system, Physica C 341-348 (2000) 331.
16.WJ Zhu ,YZ Huang ,C Dong,Z X Zhao, Synthesis and Crystal Structure of New Rare-Earth Copper Oxyselenides RCuSeO (R= La,Sm,Gd and Y) Materials Research Bulletin 29, 143 (1994)
17.W.J.zhu, J.J.Yue, Y.Z.Huang, Z.X.Zhao ,(B,Cu)Sr2YCu2O7, A New Layered Copper-Oxide Based on the Boron -Oxygen Group. Physica C 205, (1993) 118.
18.H.F.Fan, J.Q.Li, B.D.Sha, C.D.Zheng, F.H.Li,Z.X.Zhao, Structural Features of the Incommensurate Modulation in the Pb doped Bi-2223 High-Tc Phase Revealed by Direct-Method Electron Diffraction Analysis.Y.D.Mo, T.Z.Cheng, Proceedings of the Nobel Jubilee Symposium Gothenburg, Sweden, 4-7 December 1991, Edited by Mats Jonson, Tord Claeson. 18 (1992).
19.ZHAO Zhongxian, CHEN Liquan, CUI Changeng, HUANG, Yuzhen, LIU Jinxiang, CHEN Genghua, LI Shanlin, GUO Shuquan,and HE Yeye (赵忠贤,陈立泉,崔长庚,黄玉珍,刘锦湘,陈庚华,李山林,郭树权,何业冶), High Tc Superconductivity of Sr(Ba)-La-Cu Oxides. KEXUE TONGBAO Vol.32 No.8,522-525 April (1987); Sr(Ba)-La-Cu氧化物的超导电性,科学通报,No.3 177 (1987)
20.ZHAO Zhongxian, CHEN Liquan,YANG Qiansheng, HUANG Yuzhen, CHEN Genghua, TANG Ruming, LIU Guirong, CUI Changeng,CHEN Lie, WANG Lianzhong, GUO Shuquan, LI Shanlin and BI Jianqing(赵忠贤,陈立泉,杨乾声,黄玉珍,陈庚华,唐汝明,刘贵荣,崔长庚,陈烈,王连忠,郭树权,李山林,毕建清) ,Superconductivity Above Liquid Nitrogen Temperature In Ba-Y-Cu Oxides, KEXUE TONGBAO Vol.32 No.10,661-664 MAY 1987; Ba-Y-Cu氧化物液氮温区的超导电性, 科学通报,No.6 412 (1987).
