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Laser ARPES on Pairing Symmetry and High-Tc Origin in High Temperature Superconductors

Date: 2023-12-08
Time: 15:00
Venue: MA505
Speaker: 周兴江 研究员

腾讯会议ID:525 517 208

报告摘要:The superconductivity mechanism in high temperature superconductors remains a prominent and challenging issue in condensed matter physics. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has played a key role in probing the electronic structure, superconducting gap structure and many-body effects in these superconductors. In this talk, I will report our recent laser-based ARPES studies of the iron-based and cuprate superconductors. We developed a new approach that make ARPES able to measure not only the superconducting gap size but also the gap sign [1]. We determined that the pairing symmetry is of the nodal s+- type in KFe2As2 which has only hole pockets [2]. We find ubiquitous coexisting electron-mode couplings in cuprate superconductors [3]. We revealed the electronic origin of high-Tc maximization and persistence in trilayer cuprate superconductors [4]. These results provide key insights in understanding high Tc superconductivity and also pave a way to further enhance Tc in these superconductors.
[1]. Qiang Gao, Lin Zhao, X. J. Zhou et al., arXiv:2307.16384;  [2]. Dingsong Wu, Lin Zhao, X. J. Zhou et al., arXiv: 2212.03472, to appear in Nature Physics; [3] Hongtao Yan, X. J. Zhou et al., arXiv: 2201.08108, published in PNAS:; [4] Xiangyu Luo, X. J. Zhou et al., arXiv:2210.06348, published in Nature Physics:

报告人简介:周兴江,中国科学院物理研究所研究员。1988年清华大学学士,1990年清华大学硕士,1994年中科院物理研究所博士。1995-1997年德国斯图加特马普固体研究所洪堡学者,1997-2006年为美国斯坦福大学物理学者兼美国劳仑斯Berkeley国家实验室先进光源束线科学家,2004年入中科院,2009-2022担任超导国家重点实验室主任。长期从事凝聚态物理实验研究,自主研制系列真空紫外激光角分辨光电子能谱仪,在高温超导体和拓扑材料的研究方面做出了重要的工作。发表SCI论文近270篇,论文被引用10000余次。2003年获美国Berkeley国家实验室的 David A. Shirley“杰出科学成就”奖,2005年获"国家杰出青年基金"资助,  2008年获首届周光召基金会“杰出青年基础科学奖”,  2009年获中国物理学会“胡刚复物理奖”, 2013 年获全球华人物理和天文学会“亚洲成就奖”, 2015 年获国家自然科学二等奖, 2015 年获第三世界科学院TWAS 物理奖。2016 年入选美国物理学会会士。


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