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Occupation-dependent particle separation in one-dimensional non-Hermitian lattices

Date: 2024-09-25
Time: 10:30
Venue: M830
Speaker: 李林虎 副教授



Non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) is a distinctive phenomenon in systems described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, where “bulk” eigenstates are spatially localized at the boundary of systems. In this talk, I will introduce a mechanism for particle separation based on their occupation conditions in the unit cells, which arises from the interplay between different channels of NHSE and interaction of particles. Namely, at single-particle level, a directional reversal of NHSE can be induced by a destructive interference of non-reciprocity of different sublattices, which is eliminated for hardcore bosons (or fermions) that fully occupy a unit cell. In this way, “paired” and “unpaired” particles tend to accumulate toward opposite directions, which is demonstrated by both static eigensolutions and dynamical evolution.


李林虎,中山大学物理与天文学院副教授。2010年南开大学本科毕业;2015年于中国科学院物理研究所获得博士学位;随后分别在北京计算科学研究中心(2015-2017)与新加坡国立大学物理系(2017-2020)从事博士后研究工作,并于2020年加入中山大学。主要研究兴趣为凝聚态及量子模拟体系中的新奇拓扑物态与非厄米特性,迄今已发表学术论文五十余篇,其中包括第一作者或通讯作者文章Phys. Rev. Lett. 5篇、Nat. Commun. 2篇等,谷歌学术近五年被引用3000余次。
