Ab initio study of cluster Mott insulator
Electronic correlations are widely present in quantum materials and are crucial to various unconventional phenomena, including the Mott state, dynamical charge/spin density wave, and superconductivity. Density functional theory (DFT) provides a first-principles understanding of material-specific properties, but it is insufficient in accounting for the strong Coulomb repulsion among electrons. This talk briefly discusses our efforts to theoretically understand correlated materials by developing DFT + dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We will focus on extending the DFT + DMFT methodology to address further non-local fluctuations, spontaneous symmetry-breaking, and non-local electron interactions. As examples of applications, we will discuss the effect of non-local Coulomb repulsions in systems where small molecules of transition metal atoms dominate the low-energy excitations.
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李刚,上海科技大学常任副教授,研究员,入选上海市和国家级人才项目。德国波恩大学博士。先后在德国维尔斯堡大学、奥地利维也纳技术大学从事博士后和研究助理工作。2017年加入上海科技大学,2023年升任长聘副教授。李刚博士主要从事电子强关联材料计算和理论发展、及拓扑量子材料的理论研究。近年来主要从事动力学平均场方法的扩展和应用,量子自旋液体材料和非常规超导体等体系的计算。近年来在Science, Phys. Rev. Lett., Sci. Adv., Nat. Commun.等SCI期刊上发表论文近90篇,其中11篇文章单篇引用率过百。担任Science Bulletin,中科院四刊编委。