The 404th forum: Superconducting, metallic and insulator phases in a model of granular mixed metal-superconductor films
Graduated from HKU (Undergraduate) and Northwestern University (PhD), Tai-Kai Ng is a theoretical condensed matter physics interested at application of Quantum Field Theory to condensed matter systems. Topics of research interests include strong correlated electrons and spin-liquid states, non-equilibrium mesoscopic transports, topological order and unconventional superconductors. Since 2000/2002, he is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (2000) and a Croucher Senior Research Fellow (2002)。
Motivated by the discovery of the anomalous metal state in superconductor thin films, we study a model of granular mixed metal-superconductor films where the metal and superconductor grains are coupled by electron tunneling and charging effect. After integrating out the fermion degrees of freedom, an effective quantum phase--model describing competition between Josephson coupling, dissipative tunneling and charging energy in the metal and superconductor grains is obtained. For weak enough charging energy and for a range of tunneling strength between metal and superconducting grains, we show that an anomalous metal phase can be obtained at zero temperature where superconductivity is not induced in the metallic grains by proximity effect. The plausible relevance of our result to the anomalous metal state in superconductor thin films is discussed.
邀请人:周 毅(8264 9925)
联系人:胡 颖(8264 9361)