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Frontier of strong-field tunneling ionization

Date: 2018-12-06
Time: 14:00
Venue: M253
Speaker: 刘运全


     Quantum tunneling is one of important processes in quantum mechanics. Usually, only the tunneling probability can be measured.  In this talk, I will talk about our experimental works of atoms and molecules in strong laser fields at Peking University. Using advanced ultrafast laser technique, we are able to fully characterize the electron wave packet of tunneling ionization.  I will present the experimental progress on the strong-field tunneling ionization from both perspective of theory and application. With the advanced coincidence technique, we are able to perform high resolution measurements on photoelectron angular distributions of atoms in linearly and elliptically polarized fields, allowing us to measure the position of tunnel exit and the initial momentum distributions. Finally, I will discuss about that, using the double-pointer attoclock technique, we are able to measure the sub-tunneling barrier phase effect on strong-field tunneling ionization, which are the crucial elements for photoelectron holography and photoelectron diffraction.


刘运全,北京大学物理学院教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者,主要从事强激光场中原子分子动力学研究。 2001年本科毕业于西北工业大学,2006年获中科院物理所博士学位,2006-2008年在Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics做博士后研究,2009年入选教育部新世纪人才计划,同年被聘为北京大学百人计划特聘研究员,2010年获饶毓泰基础光学奖一等奖,2011年获国家杰出青年基金支持,2012获王选青年学者奖,2013获王大珩中青年光学奖,2014获聘教育部长江特聘教授。

联系人:陆俊(82649271, )
