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Sub-mA threshold 1.3 μm CW lasing from electrically pumped micro-lasers grown on (001) Si

Date: 2018-12-24
Time: 14:00
Venue: 中科院物理所M楼253会议室
Speaker: Dr. Yating Wan


We combine the advantages of a QD active gain region with the small volume and discrete modes of a micro-ring cavity geometry to demonstrate electrically-driven lasers, epitaxially grown on a Si substrate, that have record low, sub-milliamp threshold currents and continuous wave operation at 100C. The choice of QD gain material and micro-ring geometry not only promotes low threshold lasing, but also allows high lasing efficiency even in the presence of defects introduced by lattice-mismatched growth. This work represents a major step towards using III–V/Si epitaxy to form efficient, easily manufacturable on-chip silicon light sources having dense integration and low power consumption.

Brief bio:

万雅婷,2012年6月毕业于浙江大学获学士学位,后赴香港科技大学电子工程学系学习与研究,于2017年7月获博士学位,并荣获港科大工程院最佳博士论文奖(每年两名)。之后受聘于美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校UCSB任博士后,致力于硅基微盘量子点激光器研究及硅基集成光子器件及其在光通信/光互连等方面的应用。已发表国际SCI期刊论文21篇,其中,以第一作者在Optica、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Applied Physics Letter等光学领域著名国际期刊发表论文9篇。研究内容在OFC, CLEO等国际会议展示26次,其中,7篇为第一作者,1次被选为postdeadline paper,2次为一作特邀报告。研究成果三度被分别选为Optica,Applied Physics Letter,Photonics Research的封面文章,并多次被《Semiconductor Today 》、《API Publishing》、《Science Prism》,《Science Daily》、《LaserFocusWorld》、《EE Times》、《Compound Semiconductor》、《eeNews》等学术周刊专文报道,及凤凰网,新华网,文汇报,东方日报,亚太日报,国际日报,大公报,新岛日报等新闻媒体报道。
