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Introduction to quasilinear theory

Date: 2019-07-04
Time: 09:00
Venue: A楼3层会议室
Speaker: 仇志勇博士

(IFTS,Zhejiang University)


现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,科技部“磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项”一项;主要研究方向为聚变等离子体中的线性和非线性理论的研究,包括:阿尔芬本征模、带状流和测地声模、高能粒子模等,在Phys. Rev. Letters、Nucl. Fusion等杂志上发表第一作者及通讯作者论文20余篇。


Quasilinear theory, also known as “mean field theory”, gives the effects of spontaneously/externally excited (microscopic-) perturbations on (macroscopic-) equilibrium quantities, and is used in many areas of fusion plasma physics, such as radio-frequency heating/current drive, micro-scale drift wave turbulence including drift Alfven wave induced transport. In this lecture, using an 1D electro-static Vlasov system, the important concepts of quasilinear theory will be introduced, including general formulation, conservation properties, time-asymptotic behaviors. Application to drift wave induced anomalous transport is also given.
