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Symmetric deformations and boundary criticality in thermal tensor network states

Date: 2024-05-14
Time: 10:00
Venue: M830
Speaker: Rui-Zhen Huang (黄瑞珍)

Ghent university


Infinite uniform tensor network states are believed to describe gapped quantum phases faithfully. For critical states, a finite entanglement cutoff/scaling has to be applied, which was conjectured to connect a deformed CFT in 1+1d. We extend our previous study to thermal systems, in which the inverse temperature serves as the finite length scale. We argue that as long as the inverse temperature smaller than the finite-entanglement induced scale, the entanglement Hamiltonian in the thermal MPS is also effectively a BCFT with an entanglement and a physical conformal boundary condition. Compared with the finite entanglement scaling, a key difference is that due to the thermal effect, the physical conformal boundary has to respect the full non-anomalous symmetry of the lattice model. In the low-temperature limit, the thermal MPS becomes non-injective and the system enters the finite entanglement scaling regime. We also discuss boundary critical behavior in physical systems with explicit physical boundaries in the thermal MPS framework.


Rui-Zhen Huang is a BOF Postdoctoral Fellow working with Prof. Frank Verstraete at Ghent university since 2022. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2018 and continued his research in condensed matter theory as a postdoc at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.


联系人:廖海军 (82649377)