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Topological Quantum Critical Points: Symmetries and Interactions

Date: 2024-05-24
Time: 10:00
Venue: M830
Speaker: Prof. Fei Zhou

University of Britich Columbia


In this talk, I will discuss an interplay between symmetries and interactions at topological quantum critical points (TQCP).These subtle transitions can happen between two phases that exhibit the same symmetry or spontaneously break the same continuous symmetries (i.e. with the same order parameters ) but are topological distinct. Generally, TQCP can occur between SPT states (i.e. with symmetry protection) with different global topologies. My discussions will be focused on an interplay between symmetries, either protecting ones or emergent ones, and strong interactions. Discussions will be carried out in the context of EFTs of real fermions (in a close connection to topological superconductors or superfluids).