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Hybrid spin quantum registers in wide-bandgap semiconductors

Date: 2024-06-04
Time: 09:30
Venue: B412
Speaker: Prof. Dieter Suter

Technische Universiät Dortmund


Dieter Suter received his PhD from ETH Zurich in 1985 for work on the dynamics of nuclear spins in solids. After a postdoctoral position at UC Berkeley, he moved into quantum optics at ETH Zurich, where he studied atomic multilevel systems. In 1995, he became a full professor at the University of Dortmund. His current research concentrates on the investigation of structure and dynamics of condensed matter systems by magnetic resonance and high-resolution laser spectroscopy, and on quantum information processing.


The number of physical systems that show promising properties for quantum technologies is increasing rapidly and steadily. However, the number of systems that can be operated at ambient conditions remains limited. Among the main contenders are spins in defect centers of wide-bandgap semiconductors, such as NV centers in diamond or silicon vacancies in silicon-carbide. In both cases, the combination of electronic and nuclear spins increases the range of possible applications significantly. If the hyperfine interactions are known, it is possible to implement arbitrary control operations on the full hybrid quantum register. Optimal control allows one to target different applications like sensing or information processing by maximizing the resulting sensitivity (in the case of sensing) or fidelity (in the case of information processing).

联系人:郑慧婕 副研究员