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Magnetic and magnetothermal properties of binary rare-earth intermetallic compounds

Date: 2025-01-07
Time: 09:30
Venue: M249
Speaker: Dr. Andrei Gubkin

M.N. Mikheev Institute of metal physics, Ekaterinburg, Russia


Rare-earth intermetallic materials are currently being the object of a wide research due to their potential technological applications based on their magnetocaloric properties. It makes them suitable for cryocoolers which could replace the ones based on the classic gas expansion-compression cycles. Among them RnTm (R-rare earth, T-transition metal) is one of those big intermetallic families, whose magnetic and magnetocaloric properties heavily depend on the rare earth contents. If the ratio n:m is small, the transition metal ions can have a net moment regardless of the magnetic state of the rare-earth sublattice. However, when the n:m ratio increases one can observe the filling of the 3d(4d) band on T atoms by outer-shell electrons of R atoms and suppression of magnetic moment of the transition metal sublattice.For most of the RnTm compounds, magnetic moment of T metal is lost when a ratio n:m is bigger than two. However, despite suppression of the magnetic moment, transition metal sublattice still substantially affects magnetic properties of these compounds giving rise to a metallic type frustration, enhanced short range magnetic order, anomalous behavior of heat capacity, rich magnetic phase diagrams, complicated incommensurate magnetic phases, large variety of field and temperature induced magnetic phase transitions accompanied by strong magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric effects. In this talk, we will discuss magnetic and magnetothermal properties of three RnTm-type systems with high content of rare-earth element: R3T, R5Pd2 and R7T3.


Dr. Andrei Gubkin received his PhD (2008) in magnetic phenomenon physics from the Ural State University in Russia. He was a PostDoc in KAERI, South Korea (2008-2010), and MIMP, Russia (2010-2019). As a user studying magnetic materials, he carried out neutron scattering experiments in JINR (Russia), ILL (France), PSI (Switzerland), HZB (Germany), ORNL (USA), J-PARC (JAPAN). He serves as a Head of Laboratory for neutron diffraction at the MIMP (Russia) since 2019 and scientific advisor of the Institute of nuclear materials, SC Rosatom since 2022. Dr. A. Gubkin serves as a President of the Russian neutron scattering society since 2022. Since 2023, he serves as a member of two Scientific Councils at the Russian Academy of Sciences: on the “Radiation damage physics” and on the “Neutron researches at the reactors and pulsed type sources”.  Dr. Andrei Gubkin has more than 50 papers published in the international peer reviewed journals. His research expertise is sample synthesis, measurements of magnetic, electrical and thermal properties, elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments, application of group theory to the problem of solving and description of complicated magnetic orders including incommensurate ones.

邀请人:胡凤霞 研究员