Field theory of monitored, interacting fermion dynamics with charge conservation
Cornell University
Measurement-induced phase transitions (MIPTs) in monitored quantum dynamics are non-equilibrium phase transitions between quantum-chaotic (volume-law entangled) and entanglement-suppressed, area-law phases. Here we reveal how monitored dynamics are situated within the framework of general far-from-equilibrium, quantum condensed-matter physics. Measurement-induced heating effects scramble the distribution function in generic (interacting) monitored fermion systems, and this enables a simplified symmetry-based description of the dynamics. We demonstrate the equivalence of the Keldysh technique with the conventional Statistical-Mechanics Model for circuits, resulting from a doubled Hilbert-space (Choi-Jamiolkowski) mapping. We illustrate this using the monitored dynamics of interacting fermions with a conserved charge, deriving a unified effective field theory that captures all phases and phase transitions. The non-interacting counterpart in 1D space only has an area-law phase, with no MIPT. This was explained via an effective non-linear sigma model replica field theory possessing a very large symmetry. We show that other phases and phase transitions emerge when the replica symmetry is reduced by interactions. The reduced symmetry combines a replica permutation symmetry and charge-conservation within each replica. The former and its spontaneous breaking govern the MIPT, which can be recognized via a separatrix in the renormalization group flow. The replica-resolved charge conservation dictates the ``charge-sharpening" transition between two kinds of dynamics, where the global charge information is either hidden or reconstructible from the measurements. The field theory explains why the charge-sharpening transition should occur only in the volume-law phase. Our framework provides a template for other classes of MIPTs and situates these within the arena of non-equilibrium condensed matter physics.
Haoyu Guo is a Bethe postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University. He received his PhD from Harvard University under the supervision of Prof. Subir Sachdev, and his research focused on understanding non-Fermi liquids and thermal Hall effects in quantum materials. He spent his undergraduate at Peking University and MIT, where he worked with Prof. Leonid Levitov on the hydrodynamics of electron fluid. Recently, his interests expanded to understanding non-equilibrium quantum systems, with a focus on dynamical freezing in Floquet systems and measurement-induced phase transitions in monitored fermionic systems.