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Energy material research by a surface science approach

Date: 2025-03-07
Time: 10:00
Venue: M253
Speaker: 戚亚冰 教授



In energy devices (e.g., solar cells, batteries, etc.), surfaces and interfaces often play a pivotal role. My group has been utilizing surface science techniques to obtain in-depth understanding about surfaces and interfaces in these energy devices. In this talk, I will mainly focus on surface science studies on metal halide perovskite materials and related solar cell devices. Towards the end I will also discuss a few examples to illustrate how surface science can be utilized to study lithium batteries.



在过去的二十余年中,戚亚冰教授对表界面科学和能源材料方面做出了突出贡献,积极推动了该方向科研的不断深入和发展,2022年获得日本花王艺术与科学基金会颁发的花王科学赏(Kao Science Award),2023年获得日本学术振兴会奖(JSPS Prize),2024年当选为日本工程院外籍院士。已在国际知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文200余篇,H-指数为81,总引用次数超过2万次,连续多年入选科睿唯安“高被引科学家”,并当选为美国材料学会Fellow、美国真空学会Fellow和英国皇家化学学会Fellow。

邀请人:苏东 研究员
